Christmas Breakfast on Sunday 12/21

Please mark your calendars for Sunday 12/21. After Sacred Mysteries our Young Adults, Maronteens, and Crossroads will be serving a hot breakfast downstairs.  We also expect a special visit from none other than Papa Noel!  The proceeds from this breakfast go to support the poor.  Please Contact Eva, Claude or Gibran if you would like to contribute specific food or cash for the event.

Novena of Masses

We will offer the Holy Mysteries every day for nine days to prepare ourselves for the blessing of the Feast of the Birth of Our Lord.  See the schedule which can be found here, and join us if you can.  If you cannot join us, please join us in praying the Christmas:

Two Masses on Christmas

We will offer a vigil Mass on Christmas eve starting at 4:00, which the kids Christmas Pageant starting at 3:45.  Then we will celebrate the Holy Mysteries again for the actual Feast at 10:30 am.  You are invited to one or both, the attendance at either satisfies your Mass obligation.